
Full Installations

Wizard Test Maker Desktop Upgrades

Wizard Test Maker Version 15 Upgrade (45 MB)
For Users with any version of The Wizard Test Maker installed.

Wizard Test Maker Version 15 Upgrade Lite (7 MB)
For Users with EduGame! (Version 10.0 or Higher) installed

EduGame! Upgrades

EduGame Version 11 Upgrade (121 MB)
For Users with any version of EduGame! installed.

EduGame Version 11 Upgrade Lite (21 MB)
For Users with EduGame! (Version 7.0 or Higher) installed

Single Subject

Full Subject Area

State Standards

View Available Subjects


Eduware Connect (Windows) Eduware Connect (Mac)
Eduware Connect (also known as the EduDaemon) enables remotes to work with Eduware's web applications.

Eduware Network MSI Installer (.zip)
This MSI is to be installed by network administrators using our Network Install Instructions w/ MSI Support .

EduGame! USB Receiver Installation (32-bit/64-bit)This EXE will automatically install the necessary drivers for using your hardware. If you experience problems with this installer, use the classic driver installer below.

Classic EduGame! USB Receiver Installation (32-bit only)This EXE will automatically install the necessary drivers for using your 32-bit hardware. Use this only if the above drivers did not work.

Eduware Diagnostic UtilityThis program will verify your security permissions and allow for database uploads.

Scanner Drivers - 32-bitThis program will verify your security permissions and allow for database uploads.

Scanner Drivers - 64-bitThis program will verify your security permissions and allow for database uploads.